How to choose types of plant milk

The same considerations we take in choosing cow’s milk, if not more, should be followed in choosing vegetable milk. First, it is always necessary to verify the origin (especially if we talk about soybeans), so it is preferable to take care of the organic crop, and sugar or products containing sodium, as well as products that contain unspecified vegetable oil (often done Add sunflower oil).

Contraindications to the consumption of plant milk

Although it is beneficial for people with lactose intolerance or intolerance, plant milk can also lead to allergic reactions. Soybeans, as well as other nuts milk like almonds can lead to allergies and therefore should be taken with caution. Most types of plant milk are nutrient-free and free of calcium and vitamins, so it should be administered in children eloquently or under medical control.

Types of plant milk
These are the most important types of vegetable milk and the characteristics of each type:

Almond milk

Almond milk consists of ground almonds and water, almond milk compared to cow’s milk thinner in liquid form by 2%. This milk is low in calories, with approximately 40 calories per 8 ounces of unsweetened and flavored almond milk. There are approximately three grams of fat for every eight ounces, with zero grams of saturated fat.

Almond milk is not an important source of protein or fiber, with about one gram per serving. A serving of almond milk will give you about 20% of the RDA of calcium, 10% of Vitamin A, 25% of Vitamin D, and 50% of Vitamin E.

Although there are many brands of almond milk on the market, homemade almond milk is easy to prepare at home, it is sufficient to soak a cup of almond in filtered water for 24 hours, filter the almond and add it to a high-speed mixer with four cups of filtered water, Mix the almonds with water for five minutes, make sure the mixture is frothy. Using a cheesecloth, filter the milk into a bowl and then cool it tightly for three to seven days. Shake it before using it.

coconut milk

Coconut milk is made from coconut pulp and water, with a sweet flavor and is a favorite of many. Coconut milk is usually mixed with coconut water, which is the most healthy coconut drink. The nutritional composition of coconut milk can vary greatly, so check out the labels. For example, coconut milk can be medium to very high in calories with approximately 90 and 550 calories per 8 ounce serving.

You will find approximately 57 grams of fat in high-calorie coconut milk, 51 grams of which is saturated fat. The recommended daily amount (RDA) of saturated fat is only 20 grams, which means that one serving of coconut milk contains about 255% of the RDA of saturated fat. There is still controversy over whether the saturated fats found in coconut milk are of a healthy nature. On the other hand, in the lower calorie version, you will likely find about five grams of saturated fat per serving, which still accounts for about 25% of the RDA.

On the bright side,

 Coconut milk does not contain cholesterol. Additionally, it contains one to five grams of relatively high-quality protein per serving. A high-calorie version of coconut milk will provide you with about 21% RDA of fiber, 11% of calcium, 10% of folate, 22% of iron, and 22% of magnesium.

On the other hand,

 Low calories will provide you with about 45% calcium, 4% iron, 50% vitamin B12, and 25% vitamin D. Coconut milk can also help your heart health by raising the level of good cholesterol (HDL) .

If you are interested in making coconut milk, you can do this by combining coconut pulp and hot water in the blender, then squeezing it and filtering it with a cotton fabric bag, tightly covered and placed in the refrigerator for three to four days. Before using coconut milk, stir it well to ensure the fat is mixed.

Flaxseed milk

Flax milk ranks first for its similarity to cow’s milk flavor. Calories in 8 ounces of this unsweetened milk can range from 25-50, depending on the brand. Flax milk contains a high content of omega-3 fatty acids and contains a large amount of calcium, which is 30% of the amount of sugar in the body, but unfortunately, flax milk does not contain any protein or fiber. In contrast, it contains 10% of Vitamin A, 25% of Vitamin B 12 and 25% of Vitamin B.



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