To build a healthy body, you must eat healthy meals that help build the body, especially before going to exercise. You must provide the body with the energy necessary for the body to have more energy for exercise. Therefore, carbohydrates must be available primarily in a meal before exercise.

The meal should also help prevent muscle breakdown. When you exercise, your glycogen stores are used. If you do, your amino acids are used, and thus muscle breakdown occurs, so a pre-workout meal is very necessary to limit muscle breakdown.
As eating the right meal before exercise provides the body with the protein necessary to build muscle and increase activity and provide the body with the appropriate energy during the exercise, so today we will try a set of useful and integrated meals that are recommended to be eaten before exercise:


Oats: The oatmeal contains a high content of complex carbohydrates and fibers. Oats also help produce carbohydrates that are useful in the bloodstream. It is a permanent source of energy needed for the body throughout the day and during exercise. Milk and honey can also be added to the oatmeal as it is an integrated meal to provide the body with more energy and energy, a meal that is highly recommended before going for exercise.

Whole grains

  1. Whole grains: have many benefits as they contain many essential nutrients and beneficial fibers for the body that supply the body with energy during exercise, as eating whole grains reduces energy consumption in the body, which makes it last for a long time during the exercise period and give the body more Of vigor and vitality.

the banana

  1. Bananas: Bananas are one of the best meals that prefer eating before the start of exercise, as it is an important source of natural sugars and simple carbohydrates. Bananas also provide the body with the energy they need to help them exercise and the best time to eat bananas is 30 minutes to an hour before exercise. Because potassium is stored for a limited period of time, eating bananas before exercise is the best way to increase glycogen stores in the body.

Fruit juices

  1. Fruit juices: The fruit juices provide the body with a lot of activity, vitality and recovery, as the fruit juices contain a mixture of simple and complex carbohydrates together, which provide the body with sufficient energy that lasts for long hours, where it is advised to eat juices especially before going to exercise to extend the body with more Of energy and activity during the workout period.

Protein eggs

  1. Eggs: Eggs are one of the sources rich in proteins necessary for building muscles and is an excellent source of energy because it contains many proteins, so eggs are one of the best foods that are preferred to be eaten before exercising and are beneficial to the body in general.

Chicken breasts, rice and vegetables
Chicken breast and rice

  1. Chicken breasts, rice and vegetables: If you are looking for a healthy, integrated meal, chicken breasts with rice and vegetables is the healthy meal you are looking for, as it supplies the body with protein and complex carbohydrates and sources of fiber and vitamins, it helps the body to build muscle better and supply the body with energy For a long time, therefore, it is an integrated meal and it is recommended to eat it to give excellent results with exercise.

Dried fruits

  1. Dried fruits: Dried fruits are distinguished by the fact that they contain a large amount of simple carbohydrates that provide the body with instant energy for a whole day, so it is considered one of the best meals to be taken before exercising and that helps the body build muscle and provide it with the energy needed during the exercise period.


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