Rice milk is a type of dairy-free milk, which is prepared with boiled rice, and brown rice starch. There are no animal products in this milk, which makes it a very popular choice for vegetarians, thanks to a number of important nutrients it holds. Moreover, because it is a dairy-free option, there is no lactose in this milk derived from rice, so people with lactose intolerance often prefer this type of milk.

The flavor of unsweetened rice milk does not appeal to many people, so it is often sweetened from manufacturers to look like traditional cow’s milk. Not only is this milk a perfect substitute for vegetarians and lactose-sensitive people, but it is also a healthy choice for people who want unique minerals and nutrients without consuming too much fat or calories.

The nutritional value of rice milk

This famous milk substitute contains a wide range of impressive nutrients, including around 140 calories per cup, and only about 3 grams of fat – well below 10 grams of fat in a cup of full-fat cow milk.

There is no cholesterol in this form of milk, which makes it much better for heart health, and most brands of rice milk are fortified with other minerals. Since cow’s milk provides a better group of minerals, rice milk often adds levels of calcium, vitamin B, iron, vitamin A, and vitamin D. This puts it almost in par with cow’s milk.

The benefits of rice milk

It seems that the consumer category for this milk will expand and not only include vegetarians, given its many benefits which include:

Skin protection

Rice milk contains ingredients that are good for the skin. Traditionally, people have used rice milk to treat various skin problems, as it contains one of the most important ingredients that protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation and is manifested in “aminobenzoic acid”.

Drinking rice milk and applying it to the skin is all one needs to protect the skin, double protection inside and out. Rice milk also helps to treat skin when exposed to sunburn, it is sufficient to apply it gently to the affected areas.

There are other natural ways to adopt rice milk in it and mix it with other ingredients such as:

Rice milk and honey

Using rice milk is one of the best ways to cleanse the face. Mix the rice milk with honey, apply it on the face, and leave it for a while. This combination will make the skin glowing with a soft feel.

Peeled rice milk

Rice milk can be used as a natural scrub when mixed with almond paste or chickpeas, after mixing the ingredients and obtaining a natural scrub, it is rubbed onto the body. When maintaining this natural exfoliator, the skin texture will turn into a soft feel like the skin of children. This exfoliator can be applied to the face as well as to the rest of the body. It is also important to use a moisturizer after washing the mixture from the body to avoid dry skin that can be caused by rice milk.


Besides, rice milk has the advantage of protecting the skin from ultraviolet, as it also contains inositol, an ingredient that promotes cell regeneration and maintains good blood flow within the human body. This feature helps to slow down the aging process and maintain skin elasticity. Make sure to drink a cup of rice milk daily to prevent wrinkles.

Energy boost

Rice milk is high in carbohydrates and sugar, which can boost your energy daily. Rice milk is one of the best drinks to increase energy especially if you are an athlete; this drink is good in the morning.

Strengthening immunity
The different antioxidants present in rice can help increase the overall strength of the immune system, helping the body resist oxidative stress and infections, the latter of which are often responsible for chronic diseases.


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